The Latest in the Game of Shills

"The components of a myth of evil conspiracy lie deep in culture-"hardwired" as it were, to society and self, rather than produced independently at every discrete point in history.  However, the activation of those components, to mobilize people to purge evil from their midst, is a process embedded in social and historical context....Let us consider... Continue Reading →

The Madness of King Kevin- DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING!!!

The past week has been a whirlwind, nay, an F5 Hurricaine of revelations resulting the breach of the ITCCS levy. Most certainly, Kevin's life is flooded beyond repair as the revelations of womanizing, abuse of trust, fraud and criminality are coming to full sunlight.  He is in damage control mode and grasping for whomever might... Continue Reading →

Stepping out for a minute….

This blog, when first created, sought to bring balance to the claims made by Kevin Annett by contrasting his own words with documents, video and other evidence.  The goal was to offer a counter-force that would act against the one-way-traffic of hero worship that was blinding the eyes of his followers.  These same followers chose... Continue Reading →

A Time to Come Clean

The lines were clearly drawn in the sand this week.... from all sides, a full accounting for each persons involvement and support for Kevin Annett.  For Kevin, the fairie tales he once spun about murder, black-ops, smear campaigns, co-intel pro, International Courts of Justice, worldwide Satanic Human Sacrificing networks, etc....had run out.... People have grown... Continue Reading →

Reply to a Comment from Gazz

I checked my stats today.... not a single hit from anyone in Canada.  Plenty of views from the UK though, likely in the wake of a few recent blog articles on the 'occupation' of a Coventry Church.  In honor of the Brits I thought I'd post this comment by a visitor to this site as... Continue Reading →

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