Kevin Annett’s Love Letter…and a Confession

Three years ago TO THE DAY I wrote my first WordPress article about Kevin Annett.  Back then I was writing about Kevin's claims that the government was trying to kill the natives with the Tamiflu Vaccine (pfft) and the discovery of children's bones at Brantford.  The blog in that time has over 120 articles to... Continue Reading →

The Madness of King Kevin- DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING!!!

The past week has been a whirlwind, nay, an F5 Hurricaine of revelations resulting the breach of the ITCCS levy. Most certainly, Kevin's life is flooded beyond repair as the revelations of womanizing, abuse of trust, fraud and criminality are coming to full sunlight.  He is in damage control mode and grasping for whomever might... Continue Reading →

Dragons, Jews and the Golden Rule

The following article (and my return to blogging) is inspired by recent events and postings by Alfred Lambremont Webre: Kevin Annett's 'assistant' and co-architect of all things ITCCS. I don't expect many of you reading this post to understand what's going on - it has taken me about a year to understand this part of... Continue Reading →

We, the South Africa Common Law Jury – RE: Mel Ve vs Kevin Annett

Recent update from Brother Thomas regarding Kevin Annett and Mel Ve

Giftoftruth Southern Africa

We, the Jury:

There seems to be some confusion regarding International Common Law.

photo (10)

The following is for clarity:

There is One Universal Law of:

“Do no harm, cause no loss”

and the 5 ethics of:

Truth; Integrity; Responsibility; Accountability; Transparency.

1. Anyone can convene a court;

2. Anyone who observes a potential harm or loss may take responsibility in the matter and bring it to the attention of those who may be affected by the conflict; ESPECIALLY among  colleagues.

3. The group may then decide if a hearing is necessary regarding the matter and then proceed according to the Common law Manual ( in the absence of another.

4. Every community will decide as to how and in what format its own common/customary/tribal/ecclesiastical court will operate.

5. At Common Law, verbal agreements are binding. There are many oral traditions, tribes and cultures.

5. There will be a universally…

View original post 528 more words

Saints vs. Indians – Part 1

Why does Kevin Annett target all of the Churches proclaiming Christ as their head.... except the Mormon Church?  It is, after-all, named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... one of the richest and most powerful Churches in North America. According to Wikipedia: "With over 55,000 missionaries worldwide, the church currently has a... Continue Reading →

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