Kevin Annett’s Love Letter…and a Confession

Three years ago TO THE DAY I wrote my first WordPress article about Kevin Annett.  Back then I was writing about Kevin's claims that the government was trying to kill the natives with the Tamiflu Vaccine (pfft) and the discovery of children's bones at Brantford.  The blog in that time has over 120 articles to... Continue Reading →

Kevin Annett’s Misinformation Campaign Targets RCMP, UBC and Others: Pickton Case Resurrected

Death is an obsession with Kevin Annett lately.  Bones of dead children, murdered and missing women, cult sacrifices (Satanic or not?) and mass graves are indeed what preoccupies Kevin Annett's dreams and daily affairs.  Unfortunately, his dwindling death cult fails to deliver on it's weekly promises to rid the world of the evil, awfulness at... Continue Reading →

SRA and The MindWar Psyop

ryan-gableKevin Annett continues to peddle the Satanic Ritual Abuse meme adding nonsense about a child murdering cult that remains at large despite the detailed information coming out of the ITCCS (Kevin Annetts Attic in Nanaimo, British Columbia). Somehow, this United Church Minister turned Druid Priest wants followers to believe that he can screech Satanic Abuse while worshipping the hoofed lord of the Celts on the Autumnal Equinox. His cohort Ryan Gable fancies himself a Knights Templar and neo-Nazi according to his own home videos. So how is it that they expect you to buy into their frantic claims of wanting to save the children when they know where and when child sacrifices are happening? Do these guys get off on imagining the rape and torture of abducted children and the thought of the horror their followers feel when the word Satanic is uttered over and over again? Why else would they abandon Neelu Berry and others who laid claims of SRA in Hampstead UK? How can anyone be expected to swallow this hypocritical pile of horse manure when the ITCCS has abandoned so many real people in need of help? Surely Satan himself is very pleased with the chaos and dark magic these two occult wannabes have created. Quite a nice trick to fool people into believing you’re a Christian minister crusading for children, while you concoct tales of their rape and murder….I’m sure he’s very pleased indeed!

Kevin Annett Must Be Stopped


Kevin Annett once performed an ‘Exorcism’ outside the Vatican and claimed he caused lightning to strike the Vatican dome and tornado’s to roar about Italy.  When Annett published these Urgent Action Press Releases he made it seem as if the “Devil lurking within the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church” was reacting in pain to his very presence.  Yet, this is a man who has denied the very existence of Jesus Christ; who himself instructed Peter on the founding of “The Church” and who exorcised a legion of demons into a herd of swine and resisted the temptations of Satan.  Surely, without the help of the Holy Spirit (of whom Jesus warned that one should never deny) and the invocation of the name of Jesus Christ himself, no exorcism is possible.  So how is it that this Christ denier can claim any kind of authority over demons, let…

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The Great White Liar

Has there ever been a greater con-artist and abuser of Natives than the very Reverend Kevin Annett (McNamee, O'Neil, Ui Niall, Eagle Strong Voice)?  Yet again he has resurrected the ghosts of scams past to bring poor Harriet Nahanee to center stage of a new post and new claims of a government cover-up. Layers of... Continue Reading →

Sympathy for the Devil

Pleased to meet you, won't you guess my name? But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game. - Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil Robert Picton has written a book. Yes, in a last ditch attempt at proving his innocence, he has written a 'book' while incarcerated for the murders of women at his... Continue Reading →

SRA and The MindWar Psyop

Kevin Annett once performed an 'Exorcism' outside the Vatican and claimed he caused lightning to strike the Vatican dome and tornado's to roar about Italy.  When Annett published these Urgent Action Press Releases he made it seem as if the "Devil lurking within the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church" was reacting in pain... Continue Reading →

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