Republik of Kanata and the New Godless Colonialism

I wonder what new Treaties Kevin Annett will strike with the First Nations people (formerly of Canada) now that this country has been disestablished and dissolved?  Certainly he has thought about the ramifications of a Reverend (as I have called him, the Great White Savior) setting up a new Republik on the lands occupied by... Continue Reading →


  Allegedly, David Hannum, a critic of P.T. Barnum, is thought to have once said, "There's a sucker born every minute". The world as we know it now is certainly full of suckers. Suckers for get rich quick schemes, fall in love fast schemes....change the world schemes.  "Be the Master of Your Own Destiny", the... Continue Reading →

We, the South Africa Common Law Jury – RE: Mel Ve vs Kevin Annett

Recent update from Brother Thomas regarding Kevin Annett and Mel Ve

Giftoftruth Southern Africa

We, the Jury:

There seems to be some confusion regarding International Common Law.

photo (10)

The following is for clarity:

There is One Universal Law of:

“Do no harm, cause no loss”

and the 5 ethics of:

Truth; Integrity; Responsibility; Accountability; Transparency.

1. Anyone can convene a court;

2. Anyone who observes a potential harm or loss may take responsibility in the matter and bring it to the attention of those who may be affected by the conflict; ESPECIALLY among  colleagues.

3. The group may then decide if a hearing is necessary regarding the matter and then proceed according to the Common law Manual ( in the absence of another.

4. Every community will decide as to how and in what format its own common/customary/tribal/ecclesiastical court will operate.

5. At Common Law, verbal agreements are binding. There are many oral traditions, tribes and cultures.

5. There will be a universally…

View original post 528 more words

When I saw the above picture on Facebook (yes, I know... it's still evil)... I knew this was the perfect time to write an article about Kevin Annett, the Pope (s) and the latest lies from Now, I am not by any means a fan of Pope Benedict.  To be honest, he freaks me... Continue Reading →

A Pack of Lies and Light and Love

A repetitive theme I come across on forum threads, FaceBook posts and various comment boxes is the concept of Light and Love!  I hear this a lot..... "I'm sending you light and love"... ok, the love part I get... the light part? Um... not so much.... All I keep coming back to is Lucifer.... I... Continue Reading →

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