He’s got big problems on his hands now that he’s been fully exposed by McKenzie’s Devils....and so he does what he’s always done when confronted with evidence…he shuts things down to cover things up……Pity there is such a thing as an internet Archive…. AND HIS OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL….;)

25 thoughts on “THE CON IS OVER!!!

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  1. Well fraud or Not He has brought a few truths home about the Mass murders of the Vatican and also the Church of England and any other church for that Matter . The thing about this Man He has risked his Life in revealing things to us the Public; The Vatican don’t stand Quiet; where he’s lucky they did not snuff him out: But as I have only Just Known about this Guy whether he is a Nutter or not He had a lot of Balls to say what he has said : if this guy was a fraud and only in it for the Money, He did it with the wrong Persons MI5 the Jesuit organisation. None of these Guy’s take Kindly to being exposed what a Shame that this Guy was a Fraud {Maybe I could have Been one of his Crusaders }

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have, and always will maintain that he is a disinformation agent. He never was at risk for losing his life nor his liberty when he brought so many good activists down (Harriet Nahanee for one died not long after aligning herself with Kevin Annett). Many people were beginning to bring about change and exposing the truth, but Kevin infiltrated every group possible and then imploded them from within. He just published an interview he did with Shawna Green where she gave details of her experience with the TRC. This, after nearly a year after he used her and other native activists who now consider him a slimeball. Just how does a defrocked minister get in with the likes of MI-5 anyways if not an agent provocateur?


    2. I have done research since 10 years, after I run into a ranking statistic file, on missing children, in the state of Indiana, USA, the shock of discovery set my soul on fire, my intuition was trigger hot, alarming on the amount of reported cases, in just one state, in a period of about 3 years time frame..I knew something was serious wrong..
      some prophecy below Thoth wisdom tablets, just like the Hopi’s, just like the scriptures describe, is all real, the mission is to implement the light into all of ourselves, and crawl through the deceptions and illusions and have full self realization and knowledge, experience and wisdom…. I have been a poor man all my life, great joys, great sorrows .. but something funny I tell you… because I am invisible, blending in the common classes of society.. not having titles, no features or any influence or power, no one took me serious, either bothered to listen, or notice my strong passion for truth and righteousness, and I will bring this ”house of cards”’ to its knees… despite the struggle and the ignorance and pre judgements I have broken the veil and collected, gathered, gained and shared everything which I was guided to find by the all mighty… down the rabbit hole… Heather… and people can’t ever say I did it for money, or fame.. or all other labels they like to throw at you … the EGO istic or EGO centric natural features Man as a self righteous when I finally have the list of entity;s I witnessed and to whom I expressed the need for help, resources, foundations just to be better equipped to gain a better ground to work from, to speed up the total amount of holistic view and in-depth database on the truth and activity’s , those people who have worked against me and ignored my shout out for assistance to stop the traumatizing and killing and abuse of children because 1 more to loose at the hand of these predators is 1 toooo many each minute of the day… can you imagine how many will have to answer one day for their total lack of intelligence and empathy and secondary accomplishment for these crimes to have been able to continue up to this day… They will face their worst nightmares to come through, and it will be like they never saw it coming… this is my story, and I will wish Heather a warm regards for making the right choice .. its not tooo late… she says Annet is for the money, and that she does care for the route cause and the consequences by these evil games of destroying the possibility for human kind to ascend to a higher spiritual dimensional level.. okay… now start a crowdfund program for me because I am Genuine and sincere, and guided by the highest authority .. I say I would be very grateful and her light will be seen by the true power mentioned in the scriptures of the end time prophecy of Isaiah 42.6 and 44.5 anyway.. you can choose any you like… Jakobs ladder.. 😉 genesis 28 Isaiah about the house of righteousness, john 1 50-51, about the ascending descending of angels… it is the time!! To a new beginning may the age of Aquarius poor out the results of the age of Pisces.. or Kali Yuga.. all is syncretisme… much love and peace!! Jakob
      l Aye, man, after ye have gone,
      others shall move in the places ye lived.
      Knowledge and wisdom shall all be forgotten,
      and only a memory of Gods shall survive.
      As I to thee am a God by my knowledge,
      so ye, too shall be Gods of the future
      because of your knowledge far above theirs.
      Yet know ye that all through the ages,
      man shall have access to Law when he will.

      Ages to come shall see revival of wisdom
      to those who shall inherit thy place on this star.
      They shall, in turn, come into wisdom
      and learn to banish the darkness by Light.
      Yet greatly must they strive through the ages
      to bring unto themselves the freedom of Light.

      Then shall there come unto man the great warfare
      that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course.
      Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers
      open the warfare between Light and the night.

      When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly
      in the air on wings like the birds;
      when he has learned to harness the lightning,
      then shall the time of warfare begin.
      Great shall the battle be twixt the forces,
      great the warfare of darkness and Light.

      Nation shall rise against nation
      using the dark forces to shatter the Earth.
      Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man
      until half of the races of men shall be gone.
      Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning
      and give their edict to the children of men, saying:
      O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother.
      Only thus can ye come to the Light.
      Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother,
      and follow the path and know ye are right.

      Then shall men cease from their striving,
      brother against brother and father against son.
      Then shall the ancient home of my people rise
      from its place beneath the dark ocean waves.
      Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded
      with all men seeking the Light of the goal.
      Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people.
      Banished shall be the darkness of night.

      Aye, the children of men shall progress
      onward and upward to the great goal.
      Children of Light shall they become.
      Flame of the flame shall their Souls ever be.
      Knowledge and wisdom shall be man’s
      in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame,
      the Source of all wisdom,
      the place of beginning,
      that is yet One with the end of all things.

      Aye, in a time that is yet unborn,
      all shall be One and One shall be All.
      Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos,
      shall move forward to a place in the stars.
      Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time
      into another beyond the stars.

      Long have ye listened to me,
      O my children,
      long have ye listened to the wisdom of Thoth.
      Now I depart from ye into darkness.
      Now go I to the Halls of Amenti,
      there to dwell in the future when Light
      shall come again to man.
      Yet, know ye, my Spirit shall ever be with thee,
      guiding thy feet in the pathway of Light.


  2. I don’t Know the truth of what this man is really about But Having seen many YouTube Videos and believe these Videos to be 100% Genuine regarding F E M A camps and the likes of : Maybe there is some truth in what he has been boasting about and that some of the information was simply copied from off other Videos: Maybe he is a scam but as Far as I am aware he has not made any Money from out of it {Well At Least Not Me anyway} Anyway whatever this man is or isn’t is no concern to Me ; Maybe you are a Spin Doctor trying to Blacken his Name because he is hitting a Nerve where you want to have him Extracted ; Anyway W T F If I have reached the wrong Conclusion about this Man then It is I and I who Have Been deceived. I’m intelligent enough to have My Own opinion about this Man and will keep My Opinion to my self

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve learned that the best lies are the ones that have a pinch of truth to them. The best deceivers are ones who can pick up on what pains us the most and exploit that. We gladly hand over money, faith, power and credibility to the ones who will save us. We willingly give away our power and our voice to people like Kevin Annett who steer people into the direction he wants them to go in. Soon we’ve lost the will to fight because when we question him, he calls us government operatives, disinformation agents and the like. It’s a tried and true tactic of the George Soros paid protestors who yell “Racist” and Black Lives Matter, when none of them are anything but white. I fight people like Kevin because he takes the fight away from the loudest voices…he is very good at this game.


      1. Looks like the Fraud is at it again. This time he’s working with someone who says she’s a particle physicist – hard to tell if she’s fellow fraud or not.

        I checked out the lady’s website ( where she lists her “credentials”. There’s links to the uni’s she alleges going to, though no proof of enrollment. Why does no one do basic background checks on their guests anymore? It took me all of 10mins to find irrefutable evidence proving what a fraud Kevin Annett is. Shame on that woman for giving him a platform to fool more of the unwary. He should be ashamed for what he did to the First Nations peoples – they must have their own reasons for not thoroughly denouncing him publicly.


      2. Interesting Dell, I’d seen her interview him before. One thing he failed to note…if she did in fact work at CERN, then he should certainly have a problem with the Luciferian Ritual done each year on it’s grounds…as this diagram of the connection between Lucifer and the Illuminati and the Nazi’s clearly shows…;)


      3. @Dell – Unsurprisingly much like Kevin Annett, Katherine Horton also has major credibility issues.

        She’s spoken at length on what she calls “cartel signaling”. Of course most people who study this topic are familiar with the societies use of symbolism. Fritz Springmeier (an actual professional who knows what he’s talking about) has written several excellent books on this. Horton apparently sees most everything as cartel signaling, regardless of context. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar as the saying goes, but not to her.

        I’ve seen some of the comments on her youtube channel questioning her nonsense “methods”, her credibility, and rightfully so. For an alleged Oxford graduate, she often comes off as startlingly simple minded.

        On her Gab some months back she was asked a question about William Binney and Kirk Wiebe, something about a “TI Survey” they conducted about year ago? Evidently, survey participants were complaining because they’d never heard back from Binney or Wiebe after being promised they would be contacted – they wanted to know what became of their information. Some wrote to the woman who hosted these two men on her channel and received no response. HOrton’s answer to this question was something like “Well, the Austrian, German, and Swiss heads of intel have just been booted, do you think that’s all a coincidence?!?!” and, “Binney/Wiebe are bound to secrecy so they can never make public statements about things like SIGINT etc. etc.” So she completely ignored the question, went out of her way not to answer it directly, all while giving Binney/Wiebe a pass for totally going back on their word. Red Flags galore.


      4. Addendum: Dr. Katherine Horton was also confronted about Kevin Annett, either on Gab or twitter, I have the screen caps somewhere if anyone’s interested (I think her twitter is @JITupdate). When presented with irrefutable proof of Kevin’s wrongdoings, she dismissed all of it because she said it contained “Cartel Signalling”. In her supposedly highly educated mind, this was sufficient enough to dismiss/debunk all of the evidence, and according to her, Kevin has never been wrong about anything.

        btw, she had another twitter account @Stop007org which she makes much ado about it being suspended. What she fails to mention is the fact that she made violent threats towards several govt agencies including NSA, CIA, MI5, and several military branches, immediately preceding her suspension. Another example of Dr. Horton’s stellar judgement. Unfortunately, I don’t have screen caps for that.


      5. Interesting! Strange that no one has questioned the disappearance of the blog and that Kevin Annett himself didn’t blame some circle of saboteurs for its unavailability. I did see he had aligned himself with another whistleblower and I was tempted to pen an article entitled…Horton Hears A WHO? Her last interview with him featured her asking questions about his credibility and claims…he smiles throughout but I know from experience that face means the relationship is over. He did prompt a letter from the United Church to various members reassuring them of his mental illness. This was just prior to his ‘arrest’ at the Vancouver airport. I wonder which ‘wife’ bailed him out this time…lol. Thanks for the updates as I really haven’t followed much of what big heads been up to. However, I see my stats to this site have never been higher since I posted the story of the Smithsonian Bones. I’m pleased to keep paying the web hosting until the day KA ends up in a seniors home…and even beyond. Thanks Linda for the great updates!


    2. They are scared to death of people like Annette and will spare no expense to make him out as the nut job villain.
      Just like the Leader of Belarus who turned down globalist bribe money of just under a billion smackaroos to follow the scamdemic narrative… they are belittling him to no end. Our world has been hijacked by corporate criminals hell bent on destroying civilization… once you get that thru your head you will see that everything is a distraction meant to keep us flustered and divided.


  3. Kevin is one of several personalities in the “truther” community who came onto the scene around the same period of time. They have introduced and promoted each other sharing the liberty/common law/sovereign movement as a common theme.. They are all quite obviously controlled assets used to steer the beliefs of the truthers. They all have common roots.(DW) I could write an essay on what i have found but I think that is a pretty good clue to lead you to the other culprits if you do the digging. Okay here’s one more, the initials of some of them are….DB…TW…JN…KP


    1. Hi Heather! It’s good to see you are still at it! Keep up the good work! Another scumbag you may want to look into is Sacha Stone who has also started a tribunal scam and apparently a satanic pedophile.


  4. Read the books….especially the christian ones…
    Dont talk so much….do it and fight…
    The diskussion circles i cant hear it anymore….you fucking lazybones….
    Do it and fight….


  5. I have followed Kevin’s work for years, his work with the Natives of Canada, they would never have gotten as far as they did without him. The United Church tried to destroy him, he lost his family at their hands. I like to also look into people before I follow their research. You would do good to actually watch the doc Unrepentant and you will see that him uncovering how the PTB (United, Catholic, Anglican churches along with a complicit crown Canadian government managed to genocide at least 50 thous children and ruin a few hundred thousand lives in the process and we are considered a nice country. If Kevin is controlled opposition he has certainly done some damage to the PTB (a house divided against itself cannot stand) why do think they are dividing everybody today? Common law and a new republic for the world, let alone just Canada is the only way people will ever be free from tyranny, constant war, famine, genocides etc


  6. Former RCMP agent George Brown stated that he was threatened that he could get killed if he continued investigating all the claims of missing murdered indigenous people. You only get threatened if there is something to hide…
    Kevin Annette pushes for the truth. My suggestion never give money to anyone and then you will see how passionate they are to continuing their search for truth and accountability..

    Maybe the RCMP can actually go and do a massive search on the Indian reservation in question with hundreds of volunteers and cameras rolling to set the record straight and get to the truth of the matter .

    Considering the Trudeau government put through a Bill in Canada allowing Chinese companies to bring in their own security forces to man them which could hinge on teason since China is a communist dictatorshio and we can t allow Communist security forces running around Canada and Kevin Annette has given China links and organ trafficking then its time for the RCMP to get those bull dozers ready.

    So for all our native Canadians who demand accountability for our missing murdered indigenous woman and children then pose the simple question to the RCMP …how come former agent George Brown was threatened to stop investigating f there were not more connected to Robert Pickton… The link is there from Robert Pictons sister connected to elites. Do the connection … Ask Foreign Affairs Canada of the connection of the Columbia company Acceso Boyacao. That has no fixed address in Canada but was given lots of Canadian funds to train Columbians in such places as ports…you know ports and ships…a ..and elites to clintons …is there a link to cocaine trafficking and does that link to the missing murdered indigenous woman…

    The crooked links all connect. Follow the money trails.

    Or try the Cornwall I quiet where church and elites were involved in molesting children and as former OPP officer named Perry had a hit on him because he exposed the molesting of children in Cornwall Ontario and find the connection there. A police officer has a professional Hit again at him Hmm. For exposing the molesting of children. Definitely evil people involved.

    Wake up the problem is massive. The cover ups are massive But remember outing the truth is free. You have the internet to comment on social media and the RCMP are monitoring it. Homeland security is monitiring it. Then they can’t say they don’t know!!!! They do. Anyone threaten you tell everyone online that.
    Never be silenced.

    Whether Kevin Annette is what this blog says can be confim.ed by RCMP and CSIS
    as true or not. It’s their job or they are breaching public trust. We know they do all the time.

    But I say check out the Cornwall Inquiry. Check out the links of Cocaine into Canada from Columbia and who covers that up. The links of Columbia to Haiti to Bahamas route and why Haiti is known as a place where children are abducted .. all these same characters will link to the missing murdered Canadian natives. Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved .ones and hope someday these scumbags get caught.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here is what I think , people can sit there in the comfort of their crappy apartment , on their crappy desktop typing 💩 about other people . What ever the case may be for this man is simple, he has balls.. .. at least he made an effort to change the world for the better . The size of the mammoth he is up against is massive. The only way we win this battle is with humanity all awake and that is a joke in its self.. so nothing short of divine intervention …..


  7. Hey you calling those concerned with the missing murdered indigenous woman gullible. Really that’s rather cruel.

    I am thinking this blog is nothing but a bunch of rats who don’t like the attention that this Kevin Annette has given to outing the crimes committed against the first Nations.

    I believe Kevin Annette has stated he uses fake names to protect the identities of whistle blowers. That seems plausible given the fact that we have crooked cops crooked justice system crooked politicians crooked elites running rampant in Canada so getting true justice and holding elites accountable for crimes is very difficult.

    I smell a rat here on this blog. Makes no sense whatsoever. Citizens arrests might be the only way to get justice. The International Criminal Court will be busy with the pandemic lockdowns and human and Charter rights violations but they could also look into the missing murdered indigenous at the same time as Canada has failed on both. Criminal coercion to take an experimental vaccine or you can be denied services or a vaccination passport or more appropriately called medical apartheid should be a hot topic at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

    The WHO Director Tedros A is apparently being looked into as well for crimes against humanity so his involvement in the covid 19 pandemic will be scrutinized thoroughly. Those conflicts of interest and ties to big Pharma should be revealing. Like one vaccine manufacturer telling investors a third dose might be considered and a yearly booster to drive up the price of the vaccine.. so it’s not about health that you need a third dose of this experimental vaccine it’s about money.

    I think someone was trying to embarass this Kevin Annette on here using love letters . Very lame.

    But me thinks this Kevin Annette has poked the dragons cage. Ruffled the feathers and is a thorn on the side for the Vatican and their molesting priests who my guess are involved here. Crooked RCMP who don’t do their badges any honor. Sline ball politicians . Crooked courts.

    Ask Bill Blair what he has been up to during his tenure as border security or whatever his job title is. What did he do during his chief of police stunt for Metro Toronto Police. Ask Brenda Lucki what she has done for our missing murdered indigenous woman. Did she pretend to self isolate because the DOJ of America was in the country???? Interesting questions.


  8. Common law is not a hoax nor is it a fraud .. natural law , common law. Is very much real and has authority. Also I would like to see some proof that this man is the bad guy you say he is .. from where I’m standing he is a man with the right way of thinking and the only reason his community failed is because of the spineless cowards that make up 95 percent of humanity. That’s my thoughts on it , and I do know they don’t like this man he goes against everything the elite parasites want . That being said they will make up a bunch of crap and smear this man . So show some proof…


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