Kevin Annett and Perpetuation of ‘THE MOB-MENTALITY’

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayanas In order to better understand what is happening in our society today, we need to look at what sociology has to say about how human beings interact with their world.  In a book I picked up entitled: Social Processes: An Introduction... Continue Reading →

In light of the recent announcement by Kevin Annett that he will be returning to Rome in May to cleanse the Vatican of it's filth, I am reblogging some information I published back in July 2012 regarding Jeremiah Jourdain who occasionally pops up to write official sounding press statements about goings on at ITCCS... The... Continue Reading →… From Victims to Laughingstocks

Republished from Jay Nelson's Renegade Blog at From Victims to Laughingstocks The Children's Crusade I stumbled across a brand-new website, that of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, no less, and could not believe my eyes. Can this possibly be for real? With such a name, they must be extremely, impressively... Continue Reading →

When I saw the above picture on Facebook (yes, I know... it's still evil)... I knew this was the perfect time to write an article about Kevin Annett, the Pope (s) and the latest lies from Now, I am not by any means a fan of Pope Benedict.  To be honest, he freaks me... Continue Reading →

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