Annett is able to get awa…

Annett is able to get away with his stuff because in Canada we find all these hangers on and parlor dilettantes playing at social change and playing at support of Indigenous issues always at safe and comfortable distances. So someone like Annett can "sound" so sincere and in command of his "facts", giving, like all con men, just enough superficial "detail" to sound plausible or even credible; that is exactly how psychopaths and sociopaths operate. But those who have been up-close with Annett, the many alluded to in the article, those cannot be lied to because they do not operate at a safe and comfortable distance; being up close and personal, his lies do not work and are immediately exposed.

Just the F.A.C.T.’s Jack!

Well, after last Sundays barn burner of a show, featuring Kevin Annett and Jason Bowman on Global F.A.C.T Radio, the host Tony Buotros decided that more discussion was needed and that Kevin deserved an opportunity to address the questions left unanswered from the show.  What was most discouraging, yet not surprising was that Kevin not... Continue Reading →

Welcome to THE SHOW!

  By Heather Martin We love the Fairs and Exhibitions don't we?  The Magicians and the Strongmen?  We pay the price and enjoy THE SHOW, knowing that what we are seeing isn't really real, but while we're in the circus tent we 'oooh' and 'ahhhh' in amazement.  It's what we paid for after all, to... Continue Reading →

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A great take on the Sovereign Citizen movement, of which Kevin is either witting or unwittingly a part of – perhaps to the detriment of the society he claims to want to help.

Warrior Publications

The Sovereign Citizen Movement is all of the above, and then some, May 2011

You might have seen them at meetings, talking for as long as they were tolerated, sometimes for hours. Rambling on and on about archaic laws and confused legalisms. You might have even grasped some of the main points: The government is a corporation. The courts follow Admiralty law. Cashing in your SIN card can get you as much as $7 million. Declaring yourself sovereign enables you to legally drive without a driver’s license. Hell, we can make our OWN driver’s licenses. That’s always a popular one.

You may not have known it at the time, but you just had an introduction to the bizarre world of the sovereign citizen movement, today one of the fastest growing segments of the extreme right patriot movement in the US. And one which has a long association with white…

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Should Natives embrace the label “Sovereign Citizen?”… Does the radical aura surrounding this movement bode well for the future of Native Land Rights and Self-government in Canada? Or should Native leadership be embracing the notion of Autonomy which features the idea of responsible self-government over lawlessness to achieve their goals? This issue relates to the actions by Kevin Annett to stir anarchist and anti-colonialist sentiment that creates a divide rather than fostering the healing of Aboriginal peoples. Read More Here…


The question of Sovereignty for Native people depends largely on the definition of Sovereignty and how the claim of ‘Sovereign Citizen’ is used by various groups to achieve unique treatment and status from the rest of Canada.

Blacks Law Dictionary (Sixth Edition) defines Sovereignty in four ways:

The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which any independent state is governed; supreme political authority; the supreme will; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation; also a political society, or state, which is sovereign and independent.

The power to do everything in a state without accountability, –to make laws, to execute and to apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy contributions…

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Open Letter to the RCMP Re: Kevin Annett

In solidarity for the brave actions of lone blogger Greg Renouf, I post my recent letter to the RCMP task force on threats to National Security. From: Heather Martin <> Date: July 28, 2012 1:26:36 PM CDT (CA) To: Subject: Fwd: Public Declaration to Police Officers, Civil Servants and other Agents of the Crown of England - Issued... Continue Reading →

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