Who is Adam Kokesh? – the man calling for an armed American revolution

As soon as I read the latest Urgent Update Action Alert I could hardly contain my amazement at the similarities between the actions of Adam Kokesh and Kevin Annett. As the FOM article illustrates, agent provocateurs who masquerade as peaceful protestors are being supplanted into causes to give rise to a revolution. Adam Kokesh is... Continue Reading →

No One Is Coming to Save You

I have recently been critical of Heinrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio for not being more shrewd in his selection of guests, particularly Kevin Annett, who he has had on the show several times in the past few years. This past long weekend, a friend shared a portion of Heinriks most recent show with Frank... Continue Reading →

Kevin Annett YouTube Threat

Well, it seems that hard work and determination to expose a liar and a con artist have led to him making a threat of bodily harm on my person. Congratulations Kevin! Your now officially that which you claimed to hate......a Tyrant! Reply to your comment on: Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness speaks... Continue Reading →

“Indian Residential School” (Mush Hole) Survivor Cuts the Queen’s Grass

I can’t help but wonder how badly this might get under the skin of Kevin Annett who recently published the testimony of Geronimo Henry as part of his special report on the dig at Brantford. I’d recently talked with Bill Squire, who apologised for the interruption to our phone conversation when he said, “sorry, but there’s some people here to fix the ride-em mower so I have to go pretty soon”. Our conversation mainly focused on what was left undone and unsaid by Kevin Annett after leaving the Mush-Hole back in the fall of 2011. What hurt Bill and other tribal members the most was that he had broken his word not to disrespect the human remains in any way. There still remains hope that healing and forgiveness can be achieved for survivors like Mr. Henry and even for Kevin Annett who has but to pick up the phone to say he’s sorry. I hope that can happen… but I’m not holding my breath.

Rotinonshonni ónhwe - Tkanatáhere

2013 May 15 - teka news - Survivor cuts the grass2013 may 15 teka news - survivor

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