Kevin Annett’s Love Letter…and a Confession

Three years ago TO THE DAY I wrote my first WordPress article about Kevin Annett.  Back then I was writing about Kevin's claims that the government was trying to kill the natives with the Tamiflu Vaccine (pfft) and the discovery of children's bones at Brantford.  The blog in that time has over 120 articles to... Continue Reading →

Sympathy for the Devil

Pleased to meet you, won't you guess my name? But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game. - Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil Robert Picton has written a book. Yes, in a last ditch attempt at proving his innocence, he has written a 'book' while incarcerated for the murders of women at his... Continue Reading →

The curious case of Dr. Ortner

The curious case of Dr. Ortner resurfaces today as I discover that I have been named as a potential murderer by Kevin Annett who states in a terrible show dated May 3rd, 2015. I say terrible because to listen to poor Lori being dragged into recounting just what happened at Brantford was painful and cringe-worthy. Kevin made a very deliberate attempt to insinuate that I somehow had something to do with the pre-eminent scientists death, while casually making reference to me as ‘some woman’ and my blog, “”. Listen at 30:00 minutes here:

Here’s what Kevin said:

“after that happened, I contacted a guy called Dr. Don Ortner, he’s a senior forensic pathologist, or was, before he died, um, at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, and his specialty was, uh, analyzing, uh, um…from bone remains, cause of death. So he’d be exactly what we need because a lot of these kids were exposed to tuberculosis and died and that shows up in bone remains. Now I sent off that bone that Greg Olson had looked at to Don Ortner. I got two emails from him and I talked to him on the phone once, uh the first one was: “Uh, I haven’t really looked at the bone, it looks like an animal to me.” Second communication he said, “Well I’ve looked at it longer and frankly it could be either. It’s too small to tell I’d have to come and look at more of these.” And I said, “would you do that?”, and he said “sure, I’d be willing to come up”. Now that was in late January 2012, and he died of a heart attack in April. You can read into that whatever you like, uh, but what I found interesting was the usual smear, and these other sites that just kinda smear us…About a couple of weeks before Don Ortner died, this woman, uh, whose always going on about what a horrible man I am, said, “And all that stuff he’s claiming about Dr. Don Ortner, he’s never going to testify about any of this stuff”….AND THEN HE’S DEAD. Now, you know I just found that interesting, it’s almost as if she knew the guy was going to die because, well my personal theory is that these are government funded smear sites. And I think SOMETHING HAPPENED TO DON ORTNER, but that’s just my personal opinion, I don’t have any proof about that.”

Well of course this is just ridiculous, because unless I had a time machine and could go back to when Kevin (allegedly) made contact with Dr. Ortner…in fact to when Kevin conducted the dig….I suppose I could have boarded a plane to Washington, made an appointment to see Dr. Ortner and slip him the old Spy vs. Spy heart-attack cocktail in his coffee. That MUST be what happened to make Kevin draw such a well-educated conclusion such as this. Everyone who disagrees with him MUST be an agent (and a paid one at that). Strange that for a guy who boasts that he never has to pay income tax, he sure is jealous over the money those state paid agents make.

In any case I decided to bring the matter to Kevin’s attention, seeing as he has taken to making shit up as he goes along again about Dr. Ortner, and of course people like Andy Peacher who run this radio program feel he is in fine form. But I bet if I asked Lori how playing happy homemaker to the biggest joke in Truther History is going….I think the truth might finally be revealed. You see, a woman knows another womans’ tone of voice and what that means and when you hear Lori answer the questions (at about 4 minutes into the show) being asked by her hubby Kevin, any woman in the world would know the sound that hatred makes. Of course, like most men, Kevin would miss the subtle cues of seething rage in her responses, her disgust and impatience with him. It was painfully obvious there was somewhere she would have rather have been than on that show that day….anything would be better than jumping through Kevin’s hoops like a little circus dog.
And, so, I sent my correspondence to her as well, hoping that there is a tipping point there somewhere where she will get fed up with his bullshit, come clean with all his lies and finally put an end to his long-con and kick him out of his ‘undisclosed location’ in the attic of her house.

Kevin Annett reporting from his 'Undisclosed' location in the attic of Lori's house.
Kevin Annett reporting from his ‘Undisclosed’ location in the attic of Lori’s house.

Of course Kevin refused to answer any of my questions, or respond to any of the points I made. I really didn’t expect any kind of intelligent answer and I as usual, I wasn’t disappointed.

Kevin Annett Must Be Stopped

When APTN aired it’s investigative report, Unmarked Graves, a huge microscope swung it’s lenses onto the stage Kevin Annett had been standing on for nearly 20 years. Coupled with mine and Greg Renouf’s articles on Kevin’s claims of unmarked graves and the excavation of human bones at Brantford, the show brought to the people a tangible set of questions that deserved answers.

The questions themselves were straightforward:  Were the bones human and did they belong to children who attended Brantford? Logical, given how Kevin had prepped his followers and supporters stating that 50,000 children were murdered and buried in over 28 mass graves located at Residential Schools across Canada.  These were allegations that were not to be taken lightly and the weight of that evidence unearthed there should have been treated as if the Ark of the Covenant itself had been discovered.  But screw ups ensued and ultimately Kevin’s…

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Kevin Annett Waffles Over Satanic Ritual Abuse

This meme of Bob Ross seemed appropriate....forgive my sense of humor....Kevin Annett recently denied that there was such a thing as Satanic Cults ritually abusing children in an interview with Andy Peacher, a well-known UK activist and radio show host.(See exerpts from the program in the video at the end of this article). Peacher had... Continue Reading →

Kevin Annett Flaunts Dead Children to Gain Support for ITCCSi

A reblog of this most revealing post in the wake of the recent interview by ex-The Peoples Network host who says it’s A.O.K. to pull dead childrens bones out of ones pockets at an Occupy rally. The host, and apparently Kevin Annett, see nothing wrong in that…. so, let’s revisit why childrens bones figures so prominently in most of what Kevin Annett does. People watching Windows on the World should be asking WHY Kevin Annett does it. Watch the embarassing pile of BS here:

Kevin Annett Must Be Stopped

alberniOn December 13, 2013, Kevin Annett announced that the skeletons of 30 children were unearthed in a mass grave at the Indian Residential School in Port Alberni, British Columbia.  The grave, according to Kevin, and ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER SOURCE IN THE MEDIA OR ANYWHERE, was discovered by pipe-fitters working in the area.  Now, what Kevin doesn’t know is that I spoke to people there while on my Christmas vacation and to a family member who happens to be a pipe-fitter working in that area to see if this claim held any water. Neither the elder I spoke with from the Nuu-Chul-Nuth First Nations people, or my cousin, had heard of any such thing.  The Elder I spoke with stated too that if anything like that were discovered it would not be without the knowledge or the consent of the Tribal Council, which is what we saw with the dig at…

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ITCCS Damage Control

Yesterday, Kevin Annett appeared on a blogtalkradio program: Consciousness Caffeine: Clarifying the Controversy with Kevin Annett hosted by Rainbow Warrior Goddess.  The lies of course began as soon as Annett opened his mouth where he insinuated that Alfred was delusional, paranoid and just some guy who had done a couple of interviews with him.  In reality, Alfred... Continue Reading →

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